Transferring lessons and ideas from industry, to improve the way we learn and teach.
In partnership with UNICEF, we created an innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum for Burundi, the world’s poorest country.
In partnership with UNICEF, we created an innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum for Burundi, the world’s poorest country.
In Burundi, there is ongoing civil unrest, a lack of clean drinking water, and significant deforestation. Most young women drop out of school by the age of 13 to assist with water collection and other domestic duties like cooking and collecting firewood.
According to the World Health Organization, smoke inhalation, caused by inefficient home cooking devices, causes 4.3 million premature deaths every year, making it one of the most lethal environmental health risks worldwide.*
Science and technology teacher Nestor wanted to change this. He is part of the Creatable program supported by UNICEF. Local teachers are trained to deliver the program, and students are encouraged to solve real world problems in their lives.